Revealing the eradication moment of the Earth and the universe

The universe is expected to come to an end in 110 trillion years, of course, long before the Earth completely disappears.

In the simulated video titled "The Far Future of the Universe," announcer Joe Hanson takes us on a journey from the near future to the distant future and finally reveals how the universe might end. how.

Hanson begins with the notion that most people living on Earth today will no longer exist for 100 years. In 100,000 years, the Earth's position in the Milky Way will change so that the constellations will look completely different in the night sky.

Picture 1 of Revealing the eradication moment of the Earth and the universe

At any time during the next 500,000 years, the Earth is expected to be hit by a giant meteorite and the collision is large enough to dramatically change our climate. In the next 600 million years, photosynthesis is said to be "impossible" , because too much CO2 is trapped in the Earth's crust.

According to Hanson's explanation, after 1 billion years from the present, all multicellular life forms, including humans, will be eliminated by the sun boiling the oceans and destroying our trees. At the 4 billion-year mark, our Milky Way will collide with the Andromeda galaxy, but right now, both galaxies are mostly empty spaces. This means, only about 6 in thousands of billion stars actually collide.

In the next 7.9 billion years, when our sun is exhausted, it begins to expand and "devour" the inner planets like Mercury and Venus before collapsing into a white dwarf star. 1.6 billion years later.

About 150 billion years later, changes in the scale of the universe began to take place. As the universe expands, we will lose the ability to observe all galaxies from the Earth due to its location. At 1,000 billion years, stars stop forming and up to 110,000 billion years, all stars will run out of energy and become flicker. That's when the sky will darken.

1 million billion years from now, what remains on Earth will be drawn into a black dwarf, which is currently the sun, when orbit collapses. Long after this point seems like a gloomy future, it is basically empty for the universe.

Of course, this is just a hypothesis about the end of the universe. There are other theories, such as a crushing incident that leads to a new, big Bang explosion. However, in any case, our Earth must have been perished long before the universe reached the brink of the end of the world.