If our Earth is just a 2.0 copy of Kepler 452b?

Kepler 452b is called 'Second Earth', but anyone thought if the new Earth was a copy of the distant planet.

Earth and Kepler 452b, where is the original planet, what is the copy?

The whole world is tumultuous and somewhat happy when NASA scientists announced the discovery of an extrasolar planet similar to Earth.

Picture 1 of If our Earth is just a 2.0 copy of Kepler 452b?

It is Kepler 452b planet 1.400 light years away. According to experts, Kepler 452b looks amazingly like Earth's surface temperature, the ratio of distance to the Sun . to the extent that there can be life on this distant planet. Because of that, everyone calls Kepler '2nd Earth' . But…

Picture 2 of If our Earth is just a 2.0 copy of Kepler 452b?

Begin the story of 'But . ' by reversing the problem: whether between Earth and Kepler 452b, where is the original planet, what is the copy? Because if only considering the formation time, surely Kepler 452b is the first planet to be born.

According to NASA experts, Kepler 452b formed 6 billion years ago, which is even older than our Sun 1.5 billion years old. Thus, with the conditions of life similar to Earth, there is a basis for us to believe that there exists one or more civilizations on this planet.

Picture 3 of If our Earth is just a 2.0 copy of Kepler 452b?

The above reasoning is not too difficult to prove or reinforce so long as humans have always believed in outer space.

In ancient civilizations , there were many drawings, pictures of the appearance of strange objects in the sky. It is most likely a flying saucer , a means of transport of extraterrestrial creatures and, perhaps, one of them comes from Kepler 452b.

Picture 4 of If our Earth is just a 2.0 copy of Kepler 452b?

And yet, everyone knows the reputation of blind old woman Vanga - a prophet with the ability to be verified by the world. It can be mentioned as a prophecy on a meeting with Hitler, predicting the 9/11 disaster, Russia's resurgence .

And according to Pelastussanoma or Red Dwarf, Vanga made a prophecy: 'In the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with what - something terrible. (temporarily translated: during the process of searching for extraterrestrial life, people will encounter something extremely terrible). And this prophecy will happen around 2221.

Picture 5 of If our Earth is just a 2.0 copy of Kepler 452b?

Many people believe that the prophet Vanga has made a prediction "in the process of seeking extraterrestrial life, people will encounter something extremely terrible".

Perhaps, the event of finding Kepler 452b is the source of the fateful meeting in the next few hundred years that Vanga mentioned?

Although only at a hypothetical level, many people will continue to ask: 'If there is Kepler 452b life, what will the people be like, life like?'

Of course, it is unbelievable to correctly answer this question at the present time. Because of the 1,400 light-year distance, even the fastest spacecraft today is NASA's New Horizon (58,536 km / h), which will take 25.8 million years to visit Kepler 452b.

Picture 6 of If our Earth is just a 2.0 copy of Kepler 452b?
NASA's New Horizon spacecraft.

However, if we apply some evolutionary theories on Earth and assume that people living in Kepler 452b are similar to humans, we can imagine somewhat civilization here.

For example, based on the evolutionary prediction of Dr. Oliver Curry from the University of Economics London, people in 3000 will have bigger penis, women with bigger breasts, tall (183 - 214 cm) and live long more (about 120 years old). In this case, the Kepler 452b will definitely have a small body.

Picture 7 of If our Earth is just a 2.0 copy of Kepler 452b?

In the field of science and technology development, the early appearance of people billions of years will give people in Kepler planet 452b the ultimate development.

According to the arrangement of Russian astronomer Nicolai Kardashev, Kepler 452b civilization cannot be ruled out as a type III civilization in the universe, meaning that the inhabitants are masters of energy, use and control. the whole resource of the galaxy.

Picture 8 of If our Earth is just a 2.0 copy of Kepler 452b?

Meanwhile, humans on Earth today are only at the level of civilization I or II, that is, only exploiting the energy on Earth or part of the stars of the Solar System.

In summary, the inferences no matter how reasonable are still hypotheses . And the truth about the planet Kepler 452b will still have many things to explore in the near future.

What about you guys, what do you think of ' 2nd Earth'? Let us know your point of view by commenting below!