Illusion of concave house background deceiving many people

The human brain is extremely complex but can easily be fooled by images that create optical illusions.

The office displays the tiles and decorative tiles of Casa Ceramica, based in Manchester, England, making many people pop and enjoy the new tiled idea outside the hallway, according to Popular. Mechanics.

Duncan Cook walked down the hallway, seemingly sunk.(Video: YouTube).

The company's corridor seemed to be sunk like a big sinking hole. Although in fact, the floor surface is completely flat. The reason is that the designers cleverly arranged the bricks to create an optical illusion of 3D.

Duncan Cook, the director of Casa Ceramica, posted a video on Twitter on September 22, showing that Cook walked through this corridor with the same carefulness to avoid falling.

Picture 1 of Illusion of concave house background deceiving many people
The corridor went into Casa Ceramica's tile display office.(Photo: Duncan Cook).

At first, everyone who walked through the corridor walked carefully. But when they passed, they knew this was just a visual trick effect. The dent effect greatly affects the observer when viewed at a certain angle.

In addition to dexterously and delicately jumping off the corridor, this creative approach also aims to create a hallway with illusionary themes, far beyond expectations of the intended use of those tiles.