When we look at the picture of the Victorian magician Skylark, we observe that the horizontal lines seem to be in cross position but actually they are parallel, according to IFL

Still images seem to be moving due to the color contrast and the position of the drawings.

Optical illusion makes the Moon become huge when close to the horizon is the most famous illusion in the world, but no expert can give correct answers.

If you drop a ball on the roof, of course, it will roll down. But this is not true for

If your answer is purple and red orange, you are already in the group of people who are easily fooled.

Recently, Italian scientists have exposed the statement about the mummy phenomenon in Sicily children have the ability to aim and open their eyes every day.

Mystery Spot (Santa Cruz, California, USA) is an exotic tourist attraction, but the law of gravity does not seem to exist.

Light emits from the atmosphere with strange and mysterious images. Sometimes people interpret them as UFOs or some mysterious force's activity.

Most people think that only highly evolved species like monkeys, dogs, cats, birds or people have good memories. But a recent study by the University of Bonn (Germany) shows that

Video images transmitted directly from ISS were abruptly stopped by NASA as soon as the screen appeared strange objects believed to be alien spacecraft.