NASA prosecuted to stop live video to cover up UFO images

Video images transmitted directly from ISS were abruptly stopped by NASA as soon as the screen appeared strange objects believed to be alien spacecraft.

Earlier last year, UFO hunters claimed that the US space agency had deliberately cut a live feed from a High Definition Earth Viewing camera (HDEV) attached to the International Space Station ( ISS) aims to hide alien spacecraft signals near Earth's orbit.

Recently, the US Aeronautics and Space Agency was once again accused of hiding other evidence of an alien spacecraft.

On July 9, a live video stream from ISS showed a fleeting image of a mysterious object from space into the Earth's atmosphere. However, this video was abruptly stopped, the paused image was replaced by a message on the screen informing viewers that a technical problem occurred.

Picture 1 of NASA prosecuted to stop live video to cover up UFO images
The image is said to be UFO appearing in the video transmitted from the ISS space station before the live video is suddenly stopped.

Shortly thereafter, Streetcap1 account, a UFO hunter, download the video to YouTube. Streetcap1 does not claim that the UFO is an alien survey but insinuates that NASA intentionally turned off the part directly to hide something.

"UFO is an unidentified flying object. It may also be a meteorite or something similar. What makes it interesting is that the image from the camera has been cut when the UFO seems to be about to stop." , this account says.

Some argue that the mysterious object could be China's Thien Cung-1 (Tiangong-1) spaceship.

Before accusing the cover-up of the truth, NASA voiced that it had nothing to hide. The sudden disappearance of film footage transmitted from ISS is due to the fact that sometimes images are lost due to technical transmission factors. NASA spokesman Daniel Huot explained that video, images displaying a blue screen mean the signal is missing.

Picture 2 of NASA prosecuted to stop live video to cover up UFO images
In the images sent from ISS, UFO hunters repeatedly discovered unusual points and always assumed that NASA concealed an understanding of extraterrestrial organisms.

He added things like fragments in space, the moon, reflected from space station windows, light from the Earth and the structure of the spacecraft itself could be considered artifacts in videos. and photos from ISS station.

"There are no UFOs, in the common sense, seen from the ISS station. Reflections on the station window, lights from spacecraft structures or lights from Earth often appear as strange objects in the photos and videos from orbital labs, just like reflections often appear in pictures taken from windows on Earth , " Daniel Huot said.

In addition to the UFO images believed to be signs of aliens, some conspiracy theorists also claim they have seen creatures such as a giant rat, statue, grave and a big bear. The photo was sent by the Curiosity Rover probe from Mars. Meanwhile, NASA scientists explain that it's just a pure optical illusion.