Video: Illuminate suspected alien spacecraft near the ISS station

In the live video footage of NASA's International Space Station (ISS), there are two flashes of suspicion that the alien spacecraft is moving.

According to Mirror, there are two flashes moving through ISS . Hunters of unidentified flying objects (UFO) confirmed this is evidence that aliens are using remote ISS control spacecraft and the US Aerospace Agency (NASA) has edited the video to hide the secret.

"This is evidence that 100% of aliens are monitoring ISS. The first UFO looks smaller so I think it is farther away than the big UFO," Scott Waring, a UFO expert, said of the video theory. uploaded to YouTube on August 28.

Picture 1 of Video: Illuminate suspected alien spacecraft near the ISS station
UFO moves through ISS.(Photo taken from the clip).

"It looks like a giant spaceship is flying by (ISS) but it is mostly obscured by an invisible wall made by software. Look carefully at the colored squares around the ISS, it's like like the box in the Apollo photos was covered by something on the whole picture , " another commented on Youtube.

NASA rejected this hypothesis . William Borucki, the world-famous planetary scientist working for NASA, said the scientists have found evidence of millions of planets in the Milky Way but there is no evidence that there are signs of mind Extraterrestrial wisdom.

Until now, scientists have only discovered the first sign of extraterrestrial life that Mars' methane gas is suspected to be caused by microbes. The Curiosity Rover exploration robot discovered this gas in early 2016.