extraterrestrial civilization

In the live video footage of NASA's International Space Station (ISS), there are two flashes of suspicion that the alien spacecraft is moving.

NASA director expressed his belief in the existence of aliens.

The intelligent life form can exist at star groups at the edge of the Milky Way. This is the result of new astrophysics research published in the annual meeting of the American

When enlarging the photo taken by NASA, analysts discovered an incredible thing on the surface of Mars, which may be the most important discovery of the planet.

A British physics professor said that the light reduction observed from the Earth by the star KIC 8462852 could be due to a progressive civilization living in a orbiting planet

A world-famous NASA scientist says there are no signs of aliens and there is a possibility that we are the only life in the galaxy.

American scientists hypothesize that aliens do not communicate with radio waves but use lasers to transmit data. Scientists hope to find evidence for this hypothesis soon.

Astronomers from 11 institutions and organizations in the UK established a network to coordinate the search for extraterrestrial life.

Caisey Harlingten, a businessman and Canadian amateur astronomer, plans to build a $ 1 billion Colossus telescope to search for aliens.

Humans on Earth have long thought that they are alone in the universe and are still trying desperately to search for alien civilizations. Meanwhile, they may be the real aliens.