Detecting 11 suspected alien radio signals

Scientists from SETI's Breakthrough Listen project found 11 signals that could originate from aliens after studying nearly 700 nearby stars.

Picture 1 of Detecting 11 suspected alien radio signals
The SETI organization discovered 11 radio signals that could come from aliens.(Photo: Cnet.)

Breakthrough Listen, the largest project of the Search for Alien Intelligence (SETI), published preliminary results after two years of hunting for radio signals coming from outer space. The SETI researchers are looking at 11 signals that can be emitted from aliens, Sputnik News on April 22 reported.

According to researcher Andrew Siemion of the SETI Center at the University of California, Berkeley, the whole world has access to research data because scientists in the project have sent data and articles to astronomical journals top to publish.

" We have not found any suspicious traces about the existence of alien intelligence, but we have only just begun to study. What we are doing in the framework of the Breakthrough Listen project is advanced. conducting further and more systematic studies, ' Siemion said.

Two years ago, the Russian billionaire Yuri Milner, along with cosmologist Stephen Hawking, invested US $ 100 million in a decade-long program called Breakthrough Listen, an alien-seeking program."This is the largest scale SETI project since the 1995 Phoenix project , " the team said.

In October-November last year, the project entered the implementation phase. Scientists and engineers at Breakthrough Listen installed the equipment they developed to study life on the American GBT telescope and received the support of FAST's world's largest radio telescope science team. in China.

Siemion and colleagues published preliminary results from a study of 692 nearby stars on the project website. According to them, there are 11 signals that can indicate the existence of aliens, captured by telescopes in different radio waves.