In the next decade, will robots replace smartphones?

According to a Japanese robot expert, smartphones will soon become extinct within the next decade, and we will always carry a mini robot instead.

If you've ever been a kid, especially a boy, you've probably dreamed of owning a robot of your own. A friendly, smart robot can help you solve all the exercises, overcome difficult levels in video games, and beat the bully at school to run away .

If you've ever had such a dream, listen to the good news from a Japanese robot expert, Mr. Tomotaka Takahashi, who predicts that we only have about ten years to go to the time each person will own. a useful pocket mini robot friend.

Picture 1 of In the next decade, will robots replace smartphones?

Tomotaka Takahashi is the founder of Kyoto University's Robo Research Laboratory, which specializes in designing and manufacturing robots. The scientists here understand what they do: create robots of all sizes and can move like real people. Their invention even won the RoboCup football championship and was the star of music videos. Takahashi commented that his research room would be able to go even further, by placing the robot in the pocket of everyone's pants.

Last Friday at London's Hyper Japan event, Takahashi presented how smartphones are basically a miniature robot that we use for many different purposes, keeping people connected to the world. But the current smartphones are still not perfect. After all, despite most of them having voice recognition, do you ever see anyone talking to your own phone? It feels unnatural to confide in a rectangular plastic sheet, although we can comfortably talk to our pet.

But what if our smartphone looks more human, more personality? At that time, communicating with them would be more interesting and the gesture and voice control would become much more natural.

Picture 2 of In the next decade, will robots replace smartphones?
Takahashi and his invention - Robi, a very hot selling robot in Asia.

So, maybe our pocket robot will have a human appearance, just like the famous Robi robot in the picture above. But of course their size will have to be significantly reduced to fit in a pocket or a bag. With a mass of 1kg, Robi is not such a robot.

Our robot researchers will also need to install more features for their robots, Robi robots now have a lot of smartphone functions and can understand more than 200 commands. This robot has a timer, an IR sensor to interact with your TV, and can even do things beyond the capabilities of Sony Xperia or iPhone, such as house scanning.

Picture 3 of In the next decade, will robots replace smartphones?

It is possible for Robi to do everything we expect from a smartphone. And with an integrated camera, it can even identify faces for security or for many users. But of course you still need a screen to browse the web, play games or watch movies. Moreover, listening to the phone may be a bit strange, when you will put the robot's face in your ear to talk . or something like that.

Do we really bring with us a mini robot in 2024? Perhaps it will not be more bizarre than using Google Glass. And you have to admit, Takahashi's invention is pretty . cute. Mobile technology is growing rapidly, so any prediction can become a reality in the near future. While we are waiting for a decade to pass, let's also admire the Robi robot that works. Really so cute!