Interesting stories about inventions

From relativity, coordinate geometry to a microwave oven or a piece of memo paper . it brings with it an interesting story about the "find out" journey of scientists.

Interesting stories about inventions that change the world

Memo paper

Picture 1 of Interesting stories about inventions

Trying to invent a good type of adhesive but only finding a weak adhesive, Spencer Silver is useless. However, his 3M counterpart, Arthur Fry, proved the opposite, using the glue to stick a piece of paper marking the pages of the book. During a church trip, Fry's way of drawing attracted the attention of many people, from which memo paper became popular.

Velcro adhesive lock

Picture 2 of Interesting stories about inventions

On a beautiful day, the inventor of George de Mestral walked with his dog in a forest near his home. When he returned, his clothes were covered with grass flowers. George wondered what made them stick so tightly to such clothes. Placing a flower under a microscope, he found every grass with a hook-shaped thread, thereby making it easy to attach to the clothes. The idea of ​​Velcro's sticky key has been around since then and has been used a lot in fashion.


Picture 3 of Interesting stories about inventions

The microwave oven came about by chance when the inventor Spenser found his candy bar melted when he stood near a radar station. With his in-depth technical knowledge, he understood that the machine's electromagnetic waves melted the candy bar. Since then, the idea of ​​an electromagnetic wave heating device has been clustered in Spenser's head. In 1947, the first microwave oven was officially launched.

Coordinate geometry

Picture 4 of Interesting stories about inventions

'I think means that I exist' , Descartes ' famous phrase is often remembered more than his geometric coordinates. However, Descartes's concept of geometry was used more by humanity. Once a sick child, all day on the bed, Descartes noticed and watched a fly hovering above his head. With his intelligence, he accurately described the fly's flight coordinates by paying attention to its flight path from the wall to the ceiling. From there, coordinate geometry was born. Now, coordinate geometry is an indispensable subject in the curriculum of most countries in the world and is the foundation for many other scientific knowledge.


Picture 5 of Interesting stories about inventions

Philo Farnswort came up with the idea of ​​television when working on apple fields. The field plows made him think of a machine that could record images and display scanned electronic signals. In 1927, he studied and created the first electronic television.

Archimedes and the Golden Crown

Picture 6 of Interesting stories about inventions

Perhaps Archimedes was not the first to be excited to find a discovery. But history notes that he was the first to say "Eureka" (found out). The story begins when King Hiero II, Greece , suspects that his crown is not made of gold. Archimedes was entrusted to learn the truth on condition that it did not damage the other crown.

Once, he brought the crown into the bath and discovered that he could check the crown with the amount of water it occupied. If the crown is made of another substance, the water mass will be less than it does entirely in gold. While happy, he ran away to tell the king in the absence of a cloth covering his body.

Chemical transmission of nerve impulse

Picture 7 of Interesting stories about inventions

In 1900, scientists proposed for the first time the idea of ​​chemical transmission of the nerve impulse, however, the idea was still a hypothesis. By 1920, one night near Easter, scientist Otto Loewi dreamed of a strange dream: he was able to demonstrate an experimental method of chemical transmission of nerve impulses.

Immediately, he got up, elated to scribble some letters and continued to sleep. Yet, when he woke up the next morning, he could not understand what he had written or drawn. Later that evening, he had the same dream again and this time he did not go to sleep and took more careful notes of his recipe. Thanks to this discovery, Loewi received the Nobel Prize in medical physiology in 1936.


Picture 8 of Interesting stories about inventions

Once stopped at the traffic light near the clock tower of Bern , Einstein discovered the answer to questions he had long wondered about relativity. The relationship between the car - the traffic light pole and the vehicle with the clock tower is the clearest evidence for the relative and absolute of time. From there, the scientist draws conclusions: Time is not constant, it depends on the speed at which you move.

Inventing word in heap of rusty iron

Picture 9 of Interesting stories about inventions

During the first war, British scientist Brearley was tasked with researching and improving weapons, especially the problem of very quickly abraded gun barrels. Brearley tried to think of how to make an alloy that was not easily abrasive to make guns. In 1913, he tried blending chromium into steel, but was unsatisfied for some reason, tossed the sample into a rusty iron pile outside the laboratory.

After a long time, Brearley happened to find that the specimen was still shining while the steel was rusted. He took this sample to study carefully, seeing that this chromium phase steel is not afraid of the environment, climate or any weather, even when immersed in acid and alkali!

In 1913, Brearley was awarded a British patent. He organized large-scale stainless steel production and truly became the 'father of stainless steel'.

This story must have set a mindset: Meeting some weird things should not be neglected but should ask 'why' and then find out its origin.

How many inventions of the world have formed like that!

Invented by oversleeping

Picture 10 of Interesting stories about inventions

A Carothers night - an American chemist, after several days and nights of hard work, nails fell asleep for a few minutes. But . he fell asleep right in the morning. Waking up, he panicked about all the labors: Perhaps it had become a cloud of smoke? Unexpectedly, when he picked up the glass rod in the reactor, he saw the chopsticks soft and dragged a mixture of beautiful, thin, shiny filaments. It is the first poliamit synthetic fiber in the world - nylon fiber today.