Ion nozzles help kill bacteria effectively

The report of the University of Applied Technology Aachen (Germany) on March 25 said that scientists have successfully studied ion nozzles used to treat wounds and protect skin that can kill bacteria. effective without causing pain to the patient.

Picture 1 of Ion nozzles help kill bacteria effectively

Ion nozzle is surrounded by a layer of steel, shaped like a pen, 12cm in length, nearly 2cm in diameter. After being started, the tip of the nozzle will spray out a light purple 'ion cloud'.

This device can take advantage of normal air without having to use rare gases like other traditional ion devices, so it can easily be applied widely.

Scientists say the 'ion cloud' is sprayed with a suitable temperature so that it does not cause pain and allergy to the patient.

Because the gushed gas can penetrate the skin organization that conventional drugs cannot do, it can work to kill bacteria, fungi and viruses.

In addition, ion therapy can promote the regeneration of body parts, quickly heal wounds and can also be applied in aesthetics.