Is flu B dangerous?

Influenza B is only dangerous for people with weakened immune systems, others will recover after a few days.

Benign viral B-flu causes a common cold in humans, which is transmitted through the respiratory tract. People with the disease have symptoms such as fever (high fever, sudden), upper respiratory tract infection, cough, sore throat, rarely appear symptoms of lower respiratory tract inflammation such as pneumonia, inflammation management.

Bui Dac Sang, Ph.D., Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, said that C- B is a gas-type disease, seasonal activity . The current transfer of weather conditions is very favorable for the development of the B virus. Incubation period of 1-3 days and disease changes 3-5 days. Subjects infected are all people, especially children under 5 years of age, the elderly, immunocompromised people and people with other chronic diseases.

Picture 1 of Is flu B dangerous?
Influenza B virus is a benign virus, but is still life threatening if it is not detected and treated promptly.

"The disease is not dangerous. Most people will recover after being rested, but not so subjective to influenza B," said Morning physician.

The disease is dangerous if not detected promptly, especially for people with weak immune systems. When infected with the flu, the patient will easily get more diseases, or have complications in the severe, dangerous.

The most serious complication of influenza B is respiratory failure, which is most evident when the person has the flu for more than 3 to 5 days but continues to have symptoms of dyspnea, shortness of breath, sputum with thick bloody mucus. The patient will die if not detected and treated promptly.

In addition to respiratory failure, people with influenza B face malignant flu if left on for a long time. The initial symptoms are like regular flu, and then appear due to acute pneumonia leading to oxygen deprivation and death.

Pregnant women in the first 3 months of life, the body has many changes, weakening the immune system. If infected with influenza B, the mother is likely to give birth prematurely or miscarry.

How to prevent influenza B

This disease is difficult to prevent, difficult to isolate, because they disperse in a wide area, spread through the respiratory tract. People who communicate daily with people with influenza are very susceptible to disease, especially in collective, school, social activities .

Therefore, the physician advised that in addition to vaccination for children, isolation measures should be taken when children are infected, such as not sending children to schools and preschools to spread to other children. In epidemic areas, all need to wear masks when traveling as well as when contacting patients. Every family should take personal hygiene measures such as wearing a mask, washing their hands with soap after coughing, sneezing or when contacting an infected person .

When there are symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat, patients need to go to medical facilities early to receive timely treatment.

  1. Flu B syndrome and things to note