The most dangerous shark assassins in the ocean

Sharks are always considered one of the world's most dangerous marine creatures by their speed of hunting and sharp teeth.

Great white shark

The great white shark is the most famous and dangerous shark, according to the International Business Times. They can develop body length up to 6.5 - 8m, the swimming speed is very fast about 0.9m / s. The jagged jaws of these animals are particularly impressive.

Picture 1 of The most dangerous shark assassins in the ocean
Divers are protected in iron cages when approaching white sharks off Mexico.(Photo: Stephen Frink).

Great white sharks live in temperate, subtropical and tropical waters around the world. However, they often swim into shallow bays on the coast, even to surfers.

White sharks are very careful animals, especially when they reach adulthood. This explains why they are less caught by fishermen than other sharks. White sharks are often curious and discover strange objects with teeth.

Swimmers, surfers and divers can be attacked by white sharks. This is the most victimized shark in the world. They do not like the taste of humans, but often bite and then drop the victim.

Bull shark

Picture 2 of The most dangerous shark assassins in the ocean
Cow sharks are one of the most dangerous sharks.(Photo: Wikimedia).

Bull sharks are large and quite aggressive with large teeth. They can reach 3.5m in length and swim very fast. Bull sharks often live in shallow waters near the tropical and subtropical seas, at a depth of less than 30m.

Cow sharks bite many times to remove the victim's body tissue, causing a much heavier wound than white sharks. These wounds are often infected and very painful.

Tiger sharks

Picture 3 of The most dangerous shark assassins in the ocean
The number of tiger shark victims is just behind the white shark.(Photo: Reuters).

Tiger sharks are usually 3.4 - 4.3m long with large, sharp teeth like a knife crossed. This is an animal that lives in warm tropical waters. Tiger sharks are quite dangerous, their numbers are just behind white sharks. Tiger sharks are responsible for the majority of human attacks in Hawaii, USA, and Australia.

Lemon shark

Picture 4 of The most dangerous shark assassins in the ocean
Lemon sharks will attack people if they feel threatened.(Photo: Wikimedia).

Lemon sharks are nocturnal sharks with a body length of nearly three meters. They live near the coast in the west and northeast of the Atlantic Ocean as well as in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Lemon sharks involve several attacks on divers and often act when they feel threatened.