It turned out that the revolving door was invented for this very interesting reason

Not the big reason you think.

Turnstile doors are often equipped in large buildings, where there are many people passing by. Its unique design can prevent dust, rain, snow and outside noise from entering the building.Thanks to the revolving door, thousands of dollars are saved for air conditioning every year.

Picture 1 of It turned out that the revolving door was invented for this very interesting reason
Thanks to the revolving door, thousands of dollars are saved for air conditioning every year.

However, the original turnstile was not created to save time and money. In 1888, the American inventor, Theophilus Van Kannel, filed a patent for the "Storm-Door Structure" door system because he hated having to hold the door open to others. And he especially hates opening for women.

Therefore, he created a revolving door to free himself from awkward situations.

The first rolling door was installed at Rector's restaurant, Times Square, in 1899. It was later realized that using revolving doors saved more money than conventional doors. However, overall, the revolving door has not been widely used yet. Many people deliberately avoid going through the revolving door because it is slower and requires more effort.

In 2006, MIT discovered that if everyone used a revolving door in a building they would save 1.5% of their annual electricity consumption for building heating and cooling. Thus, it is calculated that each person using the revolving door will help the building save 36 watts per hour, enough electricity to run a 60 watt light bulb within 30 minutes.