The World Health Organization estimates that the number of high temperature-related deaths in high-income countries in Asia and the Pacific may increase by 1,488 in the 2030s.

Air pollution is a common threat to the community, taking place not only in dusty cities like Beijing (China), Mumbai (India) and Los Angeles (USA), according to the Huffington

The Eastgate Center in Harare, Zimbabwe is always kept at 27 degrees thanks to a completely natural ventilation and cooling system based on termites.

The birth of air conditioners was a revolution of humans at that time.

During use, after a period of time your home air conditioner appears flashing and poor heat. You wonder why and why?

On hot and sunny days, many people choose cars as their main means of transportation for those times when they need to go out.

According to calculations, each time sneezing, you shoot from 2,000 to 5,000 droplets of water - each drop contains 100,000 bacteria, away from 1.5 - 2m.

Spring and early summer weather in the north of our country has its own characteristics that have high humidity that we often call the weather.

On holidays, many people like to change their living habits. Experts warn that a lifestyle without rules, not moderation, will lead to the phenomenon of

The number of people infected with influenza A / H1N1 in Vietnam has increased continuously. On July 14, Vietnam had 10 new cases, all in the South.