How to fix when the air conditioner is flashing

During use, after a period of time your home air conditioner appears flashing and poor heat. You wonder why and why?

>>>How to fix the air conditioner does not cool

Air conditioning or air conditioning is really an effective anti-hot solution every summer. However, when using a lot of users, there is an error with the air conditioner. The above phenomenon occurs when your family's air-conditioner is used for a long time without maintenance.

Specifically, after a period of use, your home air conditioner ran for about 30 minutes and flashed again and not cool anymore. You tried to recharge the gas to change the situation of the machine but the phenomenon is still not progressive and quite up.

When encountering the above phenomenon, it is necessary to first determine the cause.The phenomenon of flashing lights is a signal of technical error and the cause is often related to the cooling fan failure or problems with the circuit, or the machine is missing gas or has a problem with the block.

Picture 1 of How to fix when the air conditioner is flashing
The air conditioner may be flashing due to lack of gas or circuit fault.(Illustration)

If you have added gas but your air conditioner still does not work normally, it is possible that the gas pipeline of the machine has been leaked, so even if you add gas, there is still not enough gas for the machine to run so every 30 minutes The device is again disconnected.

In addition to possible gas shortages, the machine may fall into a circuit fault. Concerning circuit error, there are many different causes and to determine this error you need to have actual measuring device on the machine.

In case of circuit error, if you have a lot of knowledge and understanding of air conditioning, you can absolutely check on your family's air conditioner to fix it.

In case you are not very knowledgeable about air conditioning, it is best to zone out the error in two ways and call a technician for air conditioning so that they can quickly fix it for your family.

Another problem you should keep in mind, when your home air conditioner has an error, the best way you should not continue to operate it to avoid machine damage and to ensure safety for family members. At the same time, you should call reputable repair centers to ensure your home air conditioner is repaired quickly and ensures the best quality.