The image shows the 'power' that spreads bacteria when sneezing

According to calculations, each time sneezing, you shoot from 2,000 to 5,000 droplets of water - each drop contains 100,000 bacteria, away from 1.5 - 2m.

A recent study has shown that, when sneezing (sneezing), we will inadvertently spread millions of bacteria into the air with the pressure released to hundreds of kilometers / h. They even gathered like a cloud, suspended in the air.

Sneezing is a mechanism that protects the respiratory tract from foreign particles penetrating through the nose. When stimulated, the nerve center controls all contraction muscles, from the esophagus to the sphincter, of course including the eyelid muscles.

Picture 1 of The image shows the 'power' that spreads bacteria when sneezing
When you sneeze, you will create a chaotic "cloud" with the presence of hundreds of thousands of viruses and thousands of tiny water jets.

Sneezing is both the way the body defends itself, 'throws' out harmful things, and is an alarm signal for an army of strange bacteria that have attacked the doctor to diagnose and prescribe drugs against them. .

"When you cough or sneeze, there are 2,000 to 5,000 tiny rays of water coming out of your mouth. These water rays will condense, forming a cloudy cloud," said John Bush, who led the study . They will fly in the air, spreading viruses and germs around. "

Picture 2 of The image shows the 'power' that spreads bacteria when sneezing
Each time you sneeze, you shoot 2,000 to 5,000 droplets, each containing an average of 100,000 bacteria, going away from 1.5 - 2m.

Research co-author Lydia Bourouiba, assistant professor of MIT's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, said: "When a person accidentally sneezes, if the ventilation or air-conditioning system is not good, this It will increase the risk of spreading the disease to many others, because the cloud of bacteria can move from 1.5 to 2 meters, they can completely visit anyone ".

Because of this, the researchers believe that office ventilation or air conditioning on aircraft will play a big role in preventing the spread of the virus from harmless sneezing. .

The above study is mentioned in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics.