Funny stories about sneezing

Experts in language analysis of sneezing by people said their sneezing patterns are closely related to gender, clearly showing their personality.

Sneezing is a natural defense reflex of the body when the nasal mucosa is irritated, in order to remove irritation and foreign objects in the nasal cavity. It is also an alarm signal to the body about the entry of pathogens, the occurrence of disease.

Slightly too familiar that people despise it. Every day, though not the wind and the wind, everyone sneezes a few times but few people pay attention. In total, each year each person has to have a thousand times sneezing like that.

Sneezing rarely occurs in one, but usually pulls up to 3-4 or more. People recorded the "small record" of a man sneezing in a 40-piece circuit, making him tired of breaking his breath. Guinness recorded a memorable record of Donna Griffths in England, sneezing continuously 978 days.

Picture 1 of Funny stories about sneezing (Photo: Each time sneezing, people have removed about 2,000-5,000 droplets of water (each containing an average of 100,000 bacteria) at a rate of about 165 km / h, more the storms of the 12s must be. The spread of influenza viruses when sneezing does not cover the mouth can be disastrous, leading to a pandemic.

The cause of sneezing is very rich, can not be told. The most common is the bacteria, viruses that permanently reside in the nasal cavity, which attack the mucosa, causing the nasal mucosa to swell, causing excretion. Dust, pollen, mold, smoke, animal hair, stimulants such as peppers, pepper, artillery, light . are also causes of sneezing. Some people look at the sun, look directly at the sun or look at the light too bright and sneezing. When accidentally brushing the nose, people also cause an experimental sneeze.

People have watched the moment of sneezing to divination, like sneezing at what hour something will happen and corresponding to what .

According to many language experts, the type of sneezing is closely related to gender, clearly showing the personality.

The sneeze sounded like an explosion, fast, definite, loud : These were fast and decisive people who didn't want to rely on others, the role model of the leader. It is the person who definitely decides, likes to work effectively without frills. They want people who work together to work quickly and get jobs like them. For them, the strength, the vision, the desire to rise are always expressed in daily work.

The sneeze is limited to a minimum : Expression of a gentle, delicate, standard model. The sound of sneezing is not loud, it seems to be hidden, suppressed, trying to reduce the sound to the lowest level so as not to affect people around. If any civilized society has a law about sneezing, it is a rule to sneeze for solemnity, then they are models of this. In life, they are friendly, enthusiastic people who don't like the pace of stressful progress. They often avoid conflicts that occur and are happy to live in harmony with those who are gentle.