Sun exposure or sneezing - strange phenomenon only occurs in about 30% of people in the world

Do you know why when people go to the sun or see the sun, many people sneeze. How strange?

Sneezing is one of the natural reflexes of humans. You can sneeze because of cold, inhaling a strange scent, irritating the nose or simply because . something is somewhat irrelevant - light.

But do not worry because estimates in the world have up to 22% - 30% of people are excited to sneeze when looking at the sun or glare.

And this phenomenon is known by the scientific community as "optical sneezing reflex".

Picture 1 of Sun exposure or sneezing - strange phenomenon only occurs in about 30% of people in the world
Sneezing is one of the natural reflexes of humans.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle, in 350 BC, hypothesized that it was the heat of the Sun that created moisture that caused more perspiration in the nose and mouth. To get rid of this dampness, the body forces us to sneeze.

However, many scientists have proved that the theory Aristotle gave is not accurate. It was not until about 1960, a new study demonstrated, sneezing reflexes by sunlight are actually a genetic trait.

Accordingly, the variation in our DNA has changed, can trigger sneezing reflexes under the impact of sunlight (photic sneeze reflex) nicely.

Further research, scientists discovered a connection between startling and 1 gene related to seizures caused by epilepsy.

Picture 2 of Sun exposure or sneezing - strange phenomenon only occurs in about 30% of people in the world
Reflection sneezing due to sunlight is actually a genetic trait.

Thanks to previous studies, we know that genetics also affects this light sneezing reaction. If parents encounter this condition, the probability of children inheriting the gene and having such expression up to 50%.

After a long series of research, scientists were finally able to describe this strange phenomenon with the correct name - ACHOO syndrome (Autosomal-Dominant Compelling Helio-Ophthalmic Outburst).

Accordingly, the cross-links of the trigeminal nerve are located at the edge of the skull. This area is quite large and most complex. From this region will produce three bundles of nerves connected to the eyes, nasal cavity and jaw.

Picture 3 of Sun exposure or sneezing - strange phenomenon only occurs in about 30% of people in the world
This is a completely normal reaction of the body, no harm.

Due to a lot of work, the 3-celled cell will occasionally generate a false reaction.

In the event that the sun suddenly shines directly into the eye, the optic nerve sends signals to the brain to order the pupil to contract.

Instead of bringing the light signal to the eye cell, this nerve cell mistakenly passes to the nose, causing you to sneeze.

Needless to say, this is a completely normal reaction of the body, no harm. According to experts, this finding allows us to better understand the genetic characteristics in the human body.