The boy, George Cullen, 11, and his brother, Simon Cullen, 13, have sharp teeth like vampire characters in the movie Twilight.

Finnish scientists say that people with higher levels of vitamin D are less likely to develop seizure syndrome (Parkinson's).

A new study has confirmed that vitamin D plays a key role in protecting the body from inflammatory diseases.

A study in the UK showed that babies born in April were more prone to multiple sclerosis in adulthood because their mothers lacked sunlight during pregnancy.

David Middleton had to wear a costume

Scientists have found more and more evidence of the importance of Vitamin D in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Normally, sun exposure not only helps the spirit to be refreshing, but also very beneficial to health.

About 70% of US children have low vitamin D levels, which puts them at risk for bone and cardiovascular disease, the researchers said.

The babies born at the end of the summer, the heads from the sun-hot pregnant women are much taller and stronger than those born in winter and spring, a big study has just

Couples find it difficult to have children so often go for a walk outside, a new study suggests. That's because sunshine a little each day will help men improve sperm quality.