Near equator good for neurons

Scientists have found more and more evidence of the importance of Vitamin D in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS).

Picture 1 of Near equator good for neurons

Sunlight provides vitamin D.

Multiple sclerosis of neurons a chronic disease affects the central nervous system and can cause disability. Recently, Australian researchers have discovered Vitamin D may reduce symptoms of this disease.

Professor Bruce Taylor, of the Menzies Institute in Hobart, Australia, studied 145 patients in southern Tasmania and monitored their sensitivity to multiple neuronal sclerosis. The results showed that Vitamin D affects the risk of MS.

'We have found that the higher the vitamin D level, the lower the chance of getting the disease and every 10 nanomol of Vitamin D (the concentration of standard Vitamin D in the blood) increases the risk of 10%. MS and up to 50% if your blood D is doubled ' , according to the results of the study.

Helen Yates, CEO of the Center for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis, said: 'Many scientists have long believed that Vitamin D plays an important role in developing MS. But this new study has for the first time demonstrated the link between vitamin D and the risk of multiple sclerosis.

Dr. Susan Kohlhaas, of the Association of Neurodegenerative Sclerosis Patients, said: "These research results are only in the early stages, so they need to be reviewed and confirmed before we can make them available. official conclusions. "

Previous studies have shown that the further away you are from the equator, the higher your chance of getting MS. For example, Malaysia is rare for people with multiple sclerosis, but it is relatively common in Scotland and Scandinavia.

Another study this year also found evidence that vitamin D deficiency during pregnancy and birth can increase the risk of MS later. The researchers concluded that vitamin D supplementation during this period may reduce the risk of disease.