The sensation of crawling in the hands and feet may stem from a lack of vitamins or diseases such as spinal stenosis, multiple sclerosis.

Health experts in Cuba on 2/3 announced a new therapy for multiple sclerosis (MS) has yielded positive results, opening new prospects for treating this neurological disease.

Cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure or rheumatoid arthritis are diseases that can be discovered when you have an eye exam.

Too much yawning is not simply due to lack of sleep, but there are many other reasons. Nhan Hoa, according to Boldsky.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a disorder of the brain and spinal cord that reduces nerve function.

The development of the immune system in newborn babies and vitamin D levels vary depending on the month of birth, a new study suggests.

Findings from early laboratory studies suggest that the amount of salt in our diet may involve promoting the immune system in the body to rebel against us.

A simple eye test that takes only a few minutes, developed by American scientists, promises to be a simple and quick method of early detection of multiple sclerosis.

British researchers on November 15 reported that people living in regional countries have low temperatures and less sunlight, often at high risk of multiple sclerosis (MS). .

The research team of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research and Osaka University (Japan) recently said that they have developed a type of blood test that can be diagnosed