Decipher the feeling of crawling in your arms and legs

The sensation of crawling in the hands and feet may stem from a lack of vitamins or diseases such as spinal stenosis, multiple sclerosis.

Almost all of us have experienced the sensation of crawling in our hands and feet after a night of sleeping posture or squeezing our legs across for too long. If sometimes this phenomenon appears, you don't need to worry. However, when it is repeated, your body is having some problems. Here are 7 causes of cow ants due to Prevention, you should consult.

Neck nerves or back are pinched

When pain and tingling like ants crawl from your neck to your arms or from your back to your feet, your nerves can be pinched by injury, wrong posture or diseases like arthritis. In this case, physiotherapy or gabapentin is extremely helpful.

Lack of vitamins

If you feel that cow ants appear in both hands, your body is more likely to be deficient in vitamin B12. Accompanying signs include fatigue, lightheadedness, anemia. To improve, you only need to inject or drink B12. However, go for a blood test first to get an accurate diagnosis.

Picture 1 of Decipher the feeling of crawling in your arms and legs
If sometimes this phenomenon appears, you don't need to worry.(Photo: Women's Health).

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Repeated activities such as typing make the wrist nerves compressed, leading to the sensation of crawling. Electric and ultrasound measurements will help you diagnose carpal tunnel syndrome. If you have this syndrome, you need to modify your work habits in combination with physical therapy, taking anti-inflammatory drugs. Sometimes, patients with carpal tunnel syndrome need surgery.

Stenosis of the spinal canal

Narrowing the gap in the spinal canal can put pressure on the spinal cord and / or nerve roots, causing the sensation of crawling. Spinal stenosis is diagnosed by an MRI or CT scan and treated with physical therapy, injection or surgery.


High blood sugar is toxic to the nervous system, leading to the phenomenon of ants crawling in the hands and feet. If symptoms appear like excessive thirst, frequent urination, quickly contact your doctor to check your blood sugar. Lifestyle changes and the use of medication as directed will help diabetics control their condition.


Inactive thyroid gland makes you tingling your hands and feet, fatigue, sensitivity to cold, abnormal weight gain, dry skin and hair loss. Hypothyroidism is diagnosed early through blood tests. In case of illness, you need to use synthetic thyroid hormone.

Multi sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis may be the culprit causing the sensation of cow ants if you are also weak, clumsy and have problems controlling and urinating. You need to go for an MRI scan to confirm. In case of disease, the doctor will prescribe medicines to reduce symptoms and slow the progression of multiple sclerosis.