What happens when you have leg numbness

Interrupting the electrical signal path between nerves in the legs and brain can cause a feeling of numbness, like a pin prick.

According to Business Insider, we can all experience a feeling of numbness, like a pin or ants, after sitting down for a long time and standing up. Many people believe that the phenomenon is related to blood not providing enough to the feet, but actually due to the activity of nerves.

Picture 1 of What happens when you have leg numbness
Numbness usually occurs after a long sitting time.(Photo: Business Insider).

Nerves carry electrical signals to the brain. The brain processes these signals to help people feel about touch. Examples are soft, grainy, rough, spiky.

Sometimes we squeeze on a certain part of the body's nerves. This pressure interrupts the electrical signaling pathway between nerves and the brain, causing a feeling of numbness.

For example, when cross-legged, we put pressure on the nerve endings below the knee. But we do not feel numbness, until the pressure is reduced so that nerve impulse conduction returns to normal. Nerves begin signaling back to the brain, and it takes several minutes for them to function correctly. During this time, the brain feels numbness.

The feeling of numbness is like a prickling needle, but it's usually not harmful to health. However, intermittent connections between the brain and the body for hours may damage the nervous system.