Scientists studying our coughing and sneezing ways have shed light on the path of viral transmission such as influenza viruses.
Has anyone ever told you that sneezing when trying to open your eyes will fly your eyes out?
A rabbit capable of keeping a super balance or an eel suddenly drowned the trainer in front of hundreds of spectators.
We do not always allow ourselves to sneeze naturally, especially when dating or watching movies outside the theater. The question is whether to stop sneezing is harmful to health?
Cover your mouth and wash your hands, advice never admit.
According to calculations, each time sneezing, you shoot from 2,000 to 5,000 droplets of water - each drop contains 100,000 bacteria, away from 1.5 - 2m.
Sneezing is a natural reflex to 'expel strange objects' that intend to invade the body. So is the safest reflex using hand, elbow or handkerchief / tissue?