It turns the air into clean water by solar energy

SunToWater uses solar energy to produce clean drinking water from the air.

SunToWater in California, USA, successfully built SunToWater appliances that can produce clean water from the air, according to Nature World News on Oct. 24.

Picture 1 of It turns the air into clean water by solar energy
SunToWater can produce water from polluted air. (Photo: Mark Kolbe).

The device operates in three steps, including absorption, separation, and mineralization. In the first step, air from outside is introduced into the salt container. Salt absorbs moisture in the air, retaining water 6 times its weight, equivalent to 150-400 liters.

In the second step, the hydrated salt is heated by means of a photovoltaic device and hot air, separating the steam from the salt. The steam is then condensed and brought to a container, ready to water the garden or flow into the pool. In addition, the water can also be mineralized to become safe drinking water.

SunToWater says that the water the device produces is based on the World Health Organization's (WHO) drinking water standard, because the salt in the device absorbs only water vapor , does not absorb airborne contaminants. .

SunToWater can be used in homes without electricity, because it uses photovoltaic panels to provide electricity. The equipment needs about 0.51 kWh to produce nearly 4 liters of water, depending on the heat and humidity in the environment. The SunToWater has the same shape as a air conditioner, which is expected to sell in the next 12-18 months with a 10-year warranty.