Launched the world's largest and most powerful laser

Picture 1 of Launched the world's largest and most powerful laser After more than a decade of research worth $ 3.5 billion, US scientists have completed the world's largest laser research, capable of regenerating the power of a bomb. hydrogen and the sun.

The National Ignition Facility (NIF) laser at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California produces 192 rays, which can emit 60-70 times more energy than a 60-ray system. of the University of Rochester.

With a predictable function of the warhead, NIF's lasers can be used in the field of astrophysics, allowing scientists to set conditions similar to the planetary and systemic nuclei. New Sun.

By validating the NIF laser, the US Department of Energy has paved the way for a series of follow-up experiments next year to create the same heat and pressure as in the solar core.

According to scientists, NIF's lasers could generate energy in a series of experiments by 2010 in line with the goal of creating enough heat and pressure to burn hydrogen atoms in the target image. Small pile to produce more energy. In addition, scientists hope to be able to create a clean and safe energy from burning atoms instead of atomic extraction.

NIF's laser research project was launched in early 1990 with an estimated cost of $ 700 million. After 7 years, this project was officially launched.