Learn secrets about debris in space

In the end, how many pieces of debris and fragments will affect us. That is the question that attracted the attention of many scientists.

Picture 1 of Learn secrets about debris in space
The Earth is surrounded by hundreds of thousands of debris and space waste.(Source: Internet)

According to scientists from the Center for Space Targeting Research and observing the debris of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , more than 9,600 pieces of debris above 10cm in space have now been discovered .

Fragments in space are products created by human activity in space. Including the types of missiles after completing tasks, satellites, missile launchers, waste during the process of performing tasks in space, debris produced by collisions between carrying objects in space.

All these products are the main source of pollution of the space environment. If these "space junk" are getting more and more, they will invade orbit, thereby endangering orbiting devices.

However, scientists from the Center for Space Objectives and Space Observation said that these types of waste space only cause damage in space, without causing a clear influence on the Earth. . Large debris can jeopardize aerospace equipment.

In the immediate future, people can only "prevent" but cannot "handle" this kind of waste. The United States has already proposed the idea of ​​using laser bombs to destroy debris, but this could produce more and smaller pieces.

Some experts have come up with a big grid method to catch . And there are many ideas that are put forward around the disposal of space waste. However, until now, the scientific world still has to give up on this phenomenon.