Learning musical instruments is good for the child's nerves

Researchers at Northwestern University, Chicago, USA, say that learning how to play musical instruments can help children make progress in language learning, including listening and pronunciation skills.

Picture 1 of Learning musical instruments is good for the child's nerves

According to them, music lessons directly affect the students' brains, especially the ability to sense sound.

Professor Nina Kraus, the leader of the research team, said that playing music automatically affects the processing of the brain stem, especially the area that controls the reflection process with sound, including analytical ability type of sound (made by any instrument), harmony, rhythm of the work .

According to the professor, learning how to use an instrument to help children correctly receive the sound they need to hear in a noisy space, and recognize the specific nuances of each language, a beneficial skill for language learning process.

Additional results from the trial showed that learning music improves the treatment process for autistic children or has difficulty pronouncing. Dunbartonshire, Jo Swinson, spokesperson for the British Autism Association, said many autistic children respond well to music. 'It seems, music helps children communicate, express emotions and relax' , Swinson said.