Listed animals that are shaped like mythical characters

Every animal in the world has its own unique characteristics but there are not many differences. But there are still species with strange characteristics, rarely seen as myths or fantasy movies.

1. Kashmir musk deer

Picture 1 of Listed animals that are shaped like mythical characters
Deer have fangs like vampires, also known as Kashmir musk deer.They originate from the Himalayan mountains, such as northern India, Kashmir or northern Afghanistan.Only males can have canines and they often use this feature during mating season to find partners.The deer was discovered in a remote Afghan forest in November last year, marking its first re-emergence in nearly 60 years.(Photo:

2. Saiga antelope

Picture 2 of Listed animals that are shaped like mythical characters
Saiga antelopes have a mouth-like mouthpiece, similar to anteater, but in fact this is an air purifier.This species is known from the Ice Age but is on the verge of extinction.(Photo: Google Imagine / CC BY-SA 3.0)

3. Narwhal

Picture 3 of Listed animals that are shaped like mythical characters
Narwhal is a marine animal characterized by a straight, long tooth, which grows from the mouth and looks like a horn.In males, teeth can grow nearly three meters long and are thought to help them when mating or competing with rivals.Narwhal is very rare and only about 45,000-50,000 individuals remain in the wild.(Photo: Wikicommons)

4. Anteater

Picture 4 of Listed animals that are shaped like mythical characters
This is an anteater that resembles a porcupine, but has a striking golden color.This animal applies a way to rub the fur together to communicate.People cannot hear the sounds they make.(Photo: Flickr)

5. Lophorina superba species

Picture 5 of Listed animals that are shaped like mythical characters
Unlike other species in the paradise bird family, characterized by long tail feathers, the Lophorina superba has a mutated coat.When searching for an object, the male bird spreads the mantle.(Photo: Flickr)

6. Spiny lizard

Picture 6 of Listed animals that are shaped like mythical characters
The thorny lizard is a native of Australia.Thanks to the skin color almost identical to the desert habitat, the lizard can camouflage to hide and attack the prey.They are yellow and red in hot weather, but change to darker colors when the temperature drops.Spines on the body will help avoid the attack of other species.(Photo: Flickr)

7. Blue sea slug

Picture 7 of Listed animals that are shaped like mythical characters
This sea creature has many different names such as blue sea slugs, blue dragons, blue angels . After eating prey, they often retain the sting of that prey in finger-like parts and use when attacked.(Photo: Flickr)

8. Uakari monkey face red

Picture 8 of Listed animals that are shaped like mythical characters
The uakari red-faced monkey has a short tail, red face, bald head and long hair.Pale colors on the face are weak health signs in this species, so red-colored individuals will be more likely to attract the attention of potential subjects.(Photo: Flickr)

9. Deer-striped deer (Okapi)

Picture 9 of Listed animals that are shaped like mythical characters
The Okapi is about the size of a horse with a long giraffe's neck, each of which plays a different role in this animal's life, like the ability to escape to nature to avoid enemies or height. with the fruits on the tree.