When he felt threatened, anteater Tamandua produced a very strong odor that predators had to flee.

Perhaps you also understand that this world still has many strange little-known animals. Not necessarily because they appear less often, but sometimes because we rarely pay

Animal world is always rich and diverse with many different animals. Here are 10 animals that are supposed to have the most strange appearance.

Every animal in the world has its own unique characteristics but there are not many differences. But there are still species with strange characteristics, rarely seen as myths or

Ants eat no teeth. They use their long and sticky tongue to catch prey.

Everyone knows that nose is an indispensable part of respiratory organs. However, perhaps few people know that, in the natural world, the nose wants a lot of things.

Do not think in the animal world there will be no so-called 'culinary arts'. Animals do not simply put in their mouths, chew and swallow anything ...