Locate the secret of TR-3B UFO triangle on Google Earth?

A mysterious "UFO" spy device can exist and one of their secret hiding places can be discovered on. Let us learn about the secret location of TR-3B UFO triangle on Google Earth in this article!

The conspiracy theorists were excited after claiming that a TR-3B was found on the ground in remote areas of Western Australia.

Picture 1 of Locate the secret of TR-3B UFO triangle on Google Earth?
Determine the secret location of TR-3B UFO triangle on Google Earth.

TR-3B is accused by conspiracy theories that a United States government's secret "black project" spy device can fly into space.

The allegations suggest that these flying devices were created at top-secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, using technology to reverse alien technology.

Others claim that they are actually UFO controlled by our Earth.

This area is located between Badgingarra National Park and Wongonderrah nature reserve.

Picture 2 of Locate the secret of TR-3B UFO triangle on Google Earth?
UFO?The conspiracy theorists announced it was a secret spy device.

"TR-3B" can be found at 30 ° 30'38.44 "S 115 ° 22'56.03" E on Google Earth.

It appears as a large triangle with bright lights placed around, along with the way the TR-3B has.

UFO hunter Mike Zeroh said on YouTube: "We don't know what it does in Australia but I fully believe that shot is real, not a hoax and can be a military aircraft or something. something from another planet ".

Even some conspiracy theorists said that TR-3B triangles no longer appear in the statement of reasons given to cover up.

Picture 3 of Locate the secret of TR-3B UFO triangle on Google Earth?
Is this a UFO spy device or an optical illusion?

A Google map user accused the platform of trying to "hide" the location of the UFO suspected to have appeared.

They posted a comment: "The mysterious triangle has been hidden? I have discovered many things . no need to try to hide the evidence".

Picture 4 of Locate the secret of TR-3B UFO triangle on Google Earth?
The identified location has appeared in many videos on Youtube.

A poster on YouTube said: "Research TR-3B Aurora. Awaken people!"

Many viewers consider it to be an antenna formed at a nearby remote wind farm.

With the three adjacent wires forming triangles and a central tower, the antenna can receive and transmit control signals.

Ben Cinurts posted on YouTube: "This is a location of the identified antenna column. Quite clear".

"Pay attention to the surrounding edges. Six anchor cables, a fence and antenna tower in the center match the captured ball."

Another person said: "This is an antenna, paying attention to its shadow and the three support cables with lights on, this photo was taken early in the morning."

is the military area of ​​the US Air Force. The region's official name is the Homey Airport, the area used to research and develop US military and fighter aircraft.

Area 51 is located in the southern part of Nevada in the western United States, 134km north-northwest of Las Vegas, located in the central region, on the south bank of the Groom Salt Lake. This is a large military airport.