Magical ability of animals

1. Bats rely on sound waves and understand the reverberation sound waves can avoid obstacles and catch insects while flying. This biological ability is called an ultrasonic positioning system, and it is also used by dolphins to move in the dark.

Picture 1 of Magical ability of animals

2. Sharks have special cells in the brain that are sensitive to electric fields emitted by other aquatic organisms. This ability is so subtle in some sharks that they can detect hidden fish under sand with a very weak electric field.

Picture 2 of Magical ability of animals

3. South American python (boa) has heat sensitive organs located between the eyes and nostrils that help it detect prey temperature. Each side of this python has such an organ, so it can get distance and attack the prey exactly even in the dark.

Picture 3 of Magical ability of animals

4. Cats have a mirror-like layer behind their eyes that helps them to hunt and move in the dark. Called ' tapetum lucidum ', this membrane reflects light passing through the retina, giving the cat's eyes the ability to ' catch ' photons.

Picture 4 of Magical ability of animals

5. The indented indented snake tongue looks terrifying, but it is a way to ' sniff ' their surroundings. The snake uses its tongue to collect particles that float in the air, then it draws its tongue into a special cavity on the roof of the mouth, called the Jacobson organ. In this region, odors are processed and converted into electrical signals sent to the brain.

Picture 5 of Magical ability of animals

6. For moths, the phrase ' love in the air ' is correct, because it can detect chemical signals called ' pheromones ' emitted from other butterflies more than ten kilometers away. .

Picture 6 of Magical ability of animals
(Photo: birdsandblooms)

7. Often, the mouse is not eye-sharp, but in return they have extremely sensitive muzzle. The mouse uses long mustache strands to probe around, by rubbing the whiskers across objects, mice and other rodents visualize what's next to them.

Picture 7 of Magical ability of animals
(Photo: animalliberationfront)

8. Many birds, especially migratory birds, know how to use the earth's magnetic field to determine the direction of flight throughout the journey. Scientists are still not sure how birds use it, but a new study shows that birds probably have a dual-sensory form (synesthesia) that helps them ' see ' magnetic glands as patterns. colors or light cover the visual environment around them.

Picture 8 of Magical ability of animals

9. Some fish are like males using air bubbles to . ' listen '. The bubble detects sound vibrations and transmits into the inner ear. The inner ear hair cells respond to sound vibrations and transmit sound information to their brains.

Picture 9 of Magical ability of animals
(Photo: gulfofmaine)