Marine status forecasters are widely used in India

Based on a model of supercomputers, scientists at the India National Center for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) have invented marine status predictors for 48 hours and put them into widespread use. , helping sailors to ensure safe operation at the country's ports.

Picture 1 of Marine status forecasters are widely used in India
Marine conditioner, invented by INCOIS.(Photo: the Hindu)

INCOIS is providing forecasting weather conditions for 12 major ports and 64/200 small ports along the Indian coast. This service was launched in February 2014 and is being used by 900 facilities at many ports.

The forecast service provides information about sea weather conditions within 50km from the port location.

Mr. Balakrishnan Nair, INCOIS Head of Oceanic Information and Science Services, said total traffic at India's major ports is expected to double by 2025.

Important information about sea conditions such as water currents, wind directions, ocean waves, and seas . will play an important role to decide whether to allow ships to enter and leave the port, whether it is a small fishing vessel, or a ship. Large oil tanker. These parameters also contribute greatly to making decisions regarding port activities.

Actual data from coastal monitoring systems such as wave measurement buoys, automatic weather forecast stations, coastal radar, satellite measurement instruments are also being used in weather forecasts. Sea and increasingly improved in quality.