Marvel at superhero abilities in animals

Antelopes can change their hair color, grizzly bears discover natural disasters 28km away . are super abilities of these animals.

Superhero ability in animals

Speaking of superheroes, many people often imagine majestic boys and special abilities that can help people.

But are you good, there are real superheroes in the animal world that can do great things?

1. Addax antelope can change coat color

Addax antelope live mainly in the Sahara desert , striking with twisted horns ranging from 55 - 80cm (females) and 70 - 85cm (with males) and brown tufts on the forehead, around the nose - forming shapes A very unique 'X'.

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Especially the color of this antelope's coat changes with the season. In the summer, their feathers are white or yellow sand reflects the sunlight. Meanwhile, in the winter, the coat turns grayish, whitish in the hind legs.

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As a herbivore , the main food of this animal is grass, leaves of perennial plants or small shrubs.

2. Meerkat is always attached to "sunglasses"

Meerkat or African mink is a small mammal that lives mostly in the Kalahari desert, the Namib desert and South Africa. This animal lives in groups, each of which has about 20 but also has up to 50 individuals. Their average life expectancy is 12-14 years.

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Meerkats mainly eat insects and some other animals such as lizards, snakes, scorpions, spiders, eggs, centipedes . They can be immune to some types of venom, including the strong venom of a scorpion species. in the Kalahari desert.

The most prominent feature of this animal is the black fur around the eyes, which absorbs the sun's rays so that they can identify the enemy despite being far away.

3. leeches have a lot of brains

As a bisexual animal, hairless leeches and possessing an external body segment are not commensurate with the internal body segments.

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The body surface of this animal is divided into 102 loops, while the internal structure is divided into 32 segments.

The most special thing is that they have 32 brains located in 32 segments of the body. Imagine, if you have 32 brains throughout your body, you will probably be good in many areas!

4. Crows possess "sophisticated" software that identifies faces in the brain

Scientists have discovered that crows can identify human faces very well, especially those who threaten them because this face is recorded in their brains.

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The research team conducted research with 12 crows in 4 weeks. They found that, like humans, these crows possessed a complex system within the brain to identify people, associated with their experience.

When they see people who threaten, they show a fierce face. In contrast, when meeting people who have taken care of them, brain areas express affection, association, desire to be activated.

5. Grizzly bears can detect natural disasters within a radius of 29km

The North American grizzly is a species that has a good sense of smell, which can smell people from nearly 30 km away. A sharp sense of smell combined with other sensory abilities allows them to identify upcoming storms and natural disasters.

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In addition, grizzly bears can detect cancer, but conducting research on this aggressive predator is also a challenge.

6. Butterflies do not need a mouth to taste

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Butterflies do not have a mouth or tongue to chew or bite food , instead, they will land on a tree and use special organs in their feet to sense soluble sugars. According to experts, this is a very effective way to search for foods like fermented fruit.

7. Hippos make their own handmade sunscreen

Although living on land, hippos are often immersed in water. The strange thing is that sometimes, on the smooth skin of the hippopotamus, there appears 'red blood ', sometimes even the whole body becomes crimson.

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In fact, this red substance is not a blood but is made up of two pigments, red pigments (hipposudoric acid) and orange pigments (norhipposudoric acid), which are produced from the exchange of amino acids. acids.

According to experts, the hippopotamus produces this natural skin protection that helps them protect the skin from the sun but it also regulates the temperature, preventing the growth of bacteria.