According to research by Dr. Jose Maria Gomez from the University of Granada, Spain, ferrets Meerkat are the champions of cruelty in the animal world.

The Earth belongs to the solar system, and the solar system is part of the Milky Way - or the Galaxy (Milky Way). This is probably the most basic knowledge for anyone who wants to

Antelopes can change their hair color, grizzly bears discover natural disasters 28km away ... are super abilities of these animals.

We often associate 'animal' behaviors such as inbreeding, cannibalism ... for animals with fierce, wild and scary looks. However, few people suspect that even extremely cute

In the meerkat African ferret, the lowly female individuals in the herd are ready to feed their offspring in exchange for not being expelled from the herd.

How to read test results, mermaid corpses, scenarios when putting people on Mars ... are the most popular news readers last week.

South African scientists have introduced clear images obtained from MeerKAT including the black hole center on the Milky Way, 250,000 light-years from Earth.