Maya - the brilliant civilization of humanity

Many people believe that "the end of the world" originates from the Mayan calendar, but the Mayans not only have the calendar but also the glorious civilization achievements before perishing.

In history books, Maya civilization reached the pinnacle of everything from architecture, mathematics, astronomy, to art. However, its disappearance is a mystery that has yet to be discovered by the scientific world.

Maya civilization was built by the Mayans, an American Indian tribe. It formed on the land named Cuello 4,000 years ago. From this land, the Mayans divided into many branches, of which the largest branch reached the land of today's Gulf of Mexico. Here, archaeologists continue to excavate a series of stone temples dating back to 2,500 years.

Archaeologists said that the Mayan civilization created a series of large cities in the period of 800 to 400 BC. The most prominent cities are Nabke (Guatemala), Chichen Itza, Yaxchilian, Oxkintok, Palenque, Dos Pilas, Uaxactun, Altun Ha, Bonampak. The Mayan urban areas have a capacity of tens of thousands of people. They are built complete and modern.

Picture 1 of Maya - the brilliant civilization of humanity
The Maya pyramids are still intact.

The Maya have a very accurate calendar system based on astrology. However, they believe in the natural cycle of time. Astrologers often analyze cycles and predict future events. The end of the period of time in the Mayan calendar makes the people of the modern world imagine the destruction.

The Mayan script is a series of negative symbols and shorthand marks. The writing system consists of more than 1,000 symbols.

The Maya have a flourishing agriculture. They have cultivated enough vegetables, tubers, and fruits. Their corn cultivation technique reached its peak. Livestock farming, or jobs such as stone processing, jewelry, pottery, weaving, and wood processing are also strongly developed.

In the early AD, a series of Mayan states and countries were established and flourished. However, the nations mysteriously perished and almost disappeared completely in the 10th century. Only one country on the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico continued to exist until the 16th century. The last Mayan family also disappeared by the invasion of the Spaniards.

The Mayan constructions are probably the most obvious imprint left to this day. Archaeologists still dug up special tombs on the mountains, in deep forests. Huge ancient tombs are a premise for pyramid structures. Hundreds of pyramids still exist quite intact, scattered in the deep forests, which are the center of power of the ancient Mayan nation. Huge numbers of works, writing, and stone carving calendar continue to attract the attention of researchers. That is the evidence that affirmed the peak development of the Mayan people.

Picture 2 of Maya - the brilliant civilization of humanity
Mayan calendar.

But where do tens of millions of Mayans go? The scientists actively deciphered 80% of the Mayan mass of inscriptions engraved on the stones and understood somewhat of the destruction of this civilization.

No other nation or nation killed the Mayan people, but they found themselves at the brink of destruction. Mayans do not love peace, nature as we think. They are really aggressive and bloodthirsty.

A series of wars have occurred within the Maya nation. During the war, many Mayans starved to death. Excessive forest exploitation also causes the environment to change, the amount of groundwater decreases. Moreover, the Mayan lands also suffered periods of severe drought, which lasted for hundreds of years.

By the end of the 9th century, the canals dug up by the Maya had no water. Although the science and technology of that period flourished, the Maya still could not dig deep into the ground up to 150 meters to get water.

Lack of water, stagnant agriculture, Mayans lack food. While bloody conflicts still occur constantly, causing these civilizations to disappear.

According to scientists, now several million people are descendants of the Mayans living in Central and South America. But the Spanish colonists assimilated them for several hundred years, causing the last of the ancient Maya civilization to disappear completely.