Discovered two ancient tombs in Maya civilization in Guatemala

A group of archaeologists discovered two ancient tombs of the Mayan civilization under two pyramids in the ancient city of Holmul, north of Guatemala.

In the two ancient tombs, scientists found a tibia, crown-encrusted teeth and a pendant of a United Kingdom in Maya civilization.

Archaeologist Francisco Estrada-Belli said this is the necklace pendant of Yuknoom Ti Chan , the holy king of the Kaanul dynasty, according to the ancient Mayan legend.

Holmul was a residential area once prosperous during the ancient Mayan period (250-900), a period in which writing and culture were nurtured throughout the lands that today are Central America and South Mexico.

Picture 1 of Discovered two ancient tombs in Maya civilization in Guatemala
Holmul is a residential area once prosperous during the ancient Mayan period (250-900).(Illustration).

The conflict, the supremacy of supremacy led to the establishment of the Maya empire in history.

That empire was ruled by the kings of the Kaanul dynasty, but only a few decades later was no one aware of the existence of this dynasty.

Thanks to the ruins around the castle, including Holmul, archaeologists recombined to visualize the story of the Crowns.

The Mayan civilization is a unique ancient civilization alongside the Andes civilization, built by the Mayans, an Native American tribe that lived 2,000 years ago in Mexico's Yucatán peninsula.

Based on the increasingly rich discovery relics, it was determined that around the first century the ancient Mayan nations were established.

Most Mayan nations were perished due to various reasons around the 9th to 10th centuries.

Only the country on the Yucatán peninsula continued to exist until the Spanish colonialists invaded the region in the 16th century. This invasion devastated many Mayan legacies.