Mekong River fish ranked

Many Mekong and Asian fish species are among the world's largest freshwater fish species, but they are also at risk of extinction.

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Beluga is the name of a sturgeon, living mainly in the river and sea areas in the Eurasian region. This type has a characteristic of living for a long time (can live up to 118 years), and during that time, it continues to grow. This may be the largest freshwater fish in the world. Some of them are over 9m long and weigh 2.8 tons.

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Very large catfish and fish in the Mekong River are the largest of this strain. They can be up to 3m long. But due to the very high price of catfish, they are in danger of extinction due to hunting too much.

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Due to the large teeth and the muzzle similar to that of crocodiles, this species of clam fish can be considered one of the scariest fish in North American rivers. However, this species is quite healthy with humans. They can reach 3 m long and survive on the shore for about 2 hours.

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Arapaima fish is quite an ancient fish. They are found mainly in the Amazon River. However, large fish of this type are quite difficult to find because they are hunted heavily.

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Giant freshwater stingrays can weigh up to half a ton and are 4.5 meters long. They are found in many rivers in Southeast Asia. Their thorns can be up to 38 cm long and very sharp. Unfortunately, like many animals in this area, stingrays are also at risk of extinction due to hunting and dam construction on the river.

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Spotted sturgeon is easily recognized by the nose that is similar to the platypus's nose. The main food of this species is plankton. There are 2 types of spoon sturgeon: Chinese and American sturgeon. However, this type has not been found in Chinese rivers for nearly a decade.

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The largest carp is a fish that lives in Southeast Asia. It can be up to 3m long. Their main food is fruits, algae and plankton.

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White sturgeon is the largest fish in North America, with a length of up to 6m. They remain in shape from more than 175 million years ago.