Michael Faraday - Great ordinary

Picture 1 of Michael Faraday - Great ordinary Massive dedication in Faraday's electronics has made the whole world respect, he was awarded 97 jaws, many gold medals and certificates of all kinds.

When the Royal Academy of Sciences chose to elect the president, many people thought of Faraday. Everyone thinks that with his dedication and prestige Faraday is worthy of that position and is the most ideal candidate. When the Royal Academy of Sciences sent some people to meet Faraday's opinion, he said, "Please let me think carefully."

Early the next morning they went to Faraday's house again, everyone was anxious to wait for his answer, they were afraid he would refuse the Institute's invitation. One of them said, "Professor Faraday, I hope you will accept it."

Faraday smiled and said, "Saying that, you want me to take that position?"

"Yes, this is your responsibility not to refuse!"

At that time Faraday spoke out his thoughts: "The leader of the Royal Academy of Sciences is not a simple thing. I am a person who has little communication, is not familiar with it, if I am president, it is very inappropriate. "

Faraday's wife came to this moment and said, "You see, he is so simple that he looks like a big kid, can be the commander of a small army, and he serves as chairman of the Institute, because it is difficult to do. ".

Finally Faraday decided: "Look, let me be a normal Faraday, if I take the position of chairman of the Academy perhaps a year later I am afraid I can no longer keep my pure knowledge ".

Although everyone tried to advise but Faraday still did not accept the words, he was determined to be a normal Faraday. Throughout his life, he carried with him a young heart, with all his sincere and gentle people, he often wrapped an old apron, used two sleeves to do experiments, even the people who came to visit misunderstood he is a magazine man.

Picture 2 of Michael Faraday - Great ordinary When Faraday was admitted as a professor at the Royal Academy of Sciences, every year he organized lectures on scientific universalization for young children. Every time he organized like a Tet, everyone was very happy. Parents take them to the crowded hall, and they are also crowded in the hallway. The topic he introduced was no shortage of basic fields, from chemistry, astronomy, to electricity . what he had to say he said. Every reason, even though he is so sublime, he will be simple and interesting.

Such a form of scientific teaching has been done for 19 years now . The children and parents all enjoyed it, even the 2 princes of the Queen admired him and came to listen. The children liked him very much, every time he went to church with his wife, the children often gathered on the road to greet him, asked him to visit him, some after bowing to him and then running through the shortcut to meet before him. he said hello again. Faraday saw things very happy, his wife also lovingly called the Army Corps of the Young Corps.

Faraday's friends replaced him with the publication of popular science called "The Candle Story ," which says why the candle burns and burns away. In the book Faraday writes: Hope that the young generation is like a candle, has a little light, a little heat, devoted itself to the common cause of humanity.

Faraday's life was like that, he burned himself, giving light to everyone. He devoted his whole life to the quest for truth, leaving many intellectual legacies for us. He is a great scientist.

" It is impossible to say that I do not appreciate these honors, moreover acknowledging that it is very valuable, but only that I have never worked for the purpose to achieve those honors ."
- Faraday -
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