Mistake when using toilet paper so many people suffer without knowing

The habit of using toilet paper or putting on toilet seats is not only useless but also makes you more at risk.

Using toilet paper in public toilets for personal hygiene, shaking hands, face or spreading to the surface of the toilet . is a habit of many people.

However, do you ever wonder if this action will help you avoid dirt or indirectly add bacteria to your body?

According to British scientists, this habit is not good for health. Because toilet paper itself when placed in a public toilet environment contains a lot of bacteria.

Picture 1 of Mistake when using toilet paper so many people suffer without knowing
Bacteria are very easy to attach to fragile paper like toilet paper.

Remember, bacteria are easy to attach to fragile, weak paper named toilet paper.

Laura Bowater - microbiology professor at the University of East Anglia (UK) shared: "We use paper to hand, if the hand is not clean, it is easy to infect the whole roll of paper. In addition, regular toilet paper placed right next to the toilet, when we jerk the water, the bacteria accidentally flew up and clung to the paper roll. "

What about the habit of taking some toilet paper to line up the toilet surface of many people in hopes of hygiene?

According to Boldsky, experts say this will only take time and increase the risk of contamination.

The toilet itself contains a lot of bacteria and germs. But bacteria are difficult to grow, proliferate if only exposed to your skin. Because human skin is the first barrier, like a wall separating the outside world and the body.

Picture 2 of Mistake when using toilet paper so many people suffer without knowing
This habit of putting paper on this toilet is completely useless.

Meanwhile, the toilet is designed to soft bend to minimize the accumulation of contaminants.

Raymond Martin, executive director of the British Toilet Association (BTA), said: "Placing toilet paper on the pedestal also increases the exposure of bacteria exponentially, so placing the paper is still more dirty. put".

It will be a little more fortunate if your toilet paper roll is placed in plastic, metal boxes and placed outside the bathroom door. But that does not mean that the other paper is completely sterile.

Therefore, you should never use this type of paper to wash your face or contact other parts of your body! If possible, bring your paper in and put it in the trash, restrict touching the door handle.