Modern airport security check system

Picture 1 of Modern airport security check system

New security check at San Francisco International Airport

A state-of-the-art security system is being tested at San Francisco International Airport. Equipment will let passengers pass without having to take off their shoes, remove items from their pockets, pants, or bags.

As the product of General Electric, the system was created through the integration of multiple computers and scanning technologies. It can help passengers pass through automatic checkpoints within 20 seconds. Although there are no specific prices yet, the new security system has the potential to save money by requiring fewer security personnel and making the passengers feel more comfortable.

The monitoring process begins when the passenger presses the button with a finger on the explosion detector while checking luggage or taking a ticket. Next, passengers will pass through a transparent, rounded gate, capable of detecting weapons or bombs. After that, they will step on a scanner to detect dangerous chemicals or objects.

The control system was installed at San Francisco Airport in the past few weeks for testing. Once completed, the system will be delivered for use at any US airport, replacing existing X-ray equipment.

Minh Son