Mrs. Hillary fell ill and Vanga's prophetic inspiration about the US President?

Speculation that Hillary Clinton will leave the presidential election has emerged after the alleged picture of her collapsing from pneumonia during a September 11 memorial service held on Sunday. .

Shortly thereafter, the Daily Star quoted an opinion from conspiracy theorists, arguing that Barack Obama could declare martial law - based on the threat of terrorism from the Islamic State (IS) group. proclaimed - to prevent Republican candidate Donald Trump from becoming President of the United States.

Picture 1 of Mrs. Hillary fell ill and Vanga's prophetic inspiration about the US President?
Mrs. Vanga once prophesied about the US President.(Source: Wikipedia / Getty).

Proponents of this theory also said that if it was true, it would mean a prophecy of the prophet Baba Vanga fulfilled, whereby she predicted that Obama would be the last President. of America.

Mrs Clinton has canceled scheduled visits to California in the next two days. Another meeting scheduled to be held in Las Vegas this Wednesday is also unlikely to happen.

With only 56 days left, on the day of the election, Democrats may struggle to find a new candidate in the event that Clinton cannot continue to participate in the White House race. This makes people believe in the theory that Obama is the last President of the United States to have more bases.

Baba Vanga - the prophet believed by believers to have an accurate prediction rate of 85% after predictions about 9/11 and the rise of the IS group - also anticipated that the 44th President America's is an African-American.