Obama authorized Hillary Clinton to reveal the aliens truth?

Although in the election campaign, Mr. Donald Trump showed concern in space exploration, but an UFO expert confirmed that Trump still wants Hillary Clinton to reveal the truth about aliens.

Steve Bassett - researcher on unidentified flying objects (UFO) and aliens of Paradigm Model Group (PRG), said two days after the US presidential election, PRG group received a message from a source in the military community and intelligence that is familiar with PRG regarding the disclosure of alien secrets.

According to Bassett, the content is as follows: "People who are directly managing extraterrestrial issues want the disclosure of aliens to take place under President Obama and are willing to work with the new leadership of Pentagon if the information is revealed ".

Picture 1 of Obama authorized Hillary Clinton to reveal the aliens truth?
It is likely that Obama will authorize Clinton to announce aliens.

During the campaign, Hillary Clinton promised to reveal the truth about extraterrestrial life if she became President. And even if Hillary Clinton fails in the election, she still has a great influence on the announcement of the Obama administration. Experts on aliens say Mrs Clinton is still the best choice to announce aliens truths, shocks in human history and the possibility that Obama will delegate Let Mrs. Clinton do this task.

In a press release, PRG emphasized that disclosure should take place as soon as possible."This process is time-sensitive. The disclosure will need to take place soon for countries to receive unusual and stable information before the inauguration of Mr. Donald Trump. The US itself has time to prepare for government agencies and the media and the public to receive information ".

Meanwhile, British news agency DailyStar cited close sources, saying that newly elected President Donald Trump wants NASA to gradually withdraw its Mars exploration plan and focus instead on space exploration. According to a recent report, Donald Trump said he wanted to set foot on the Moon.

During his election campaign, Mr. Donald Trump announced that if he became President, he would issue a clear mission for NASA to focus on space exploration. Currently, Donald Trump's space policy team is being led by Mark Albrecht. President-elect Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States on January 20.