My mother also 'snapped' me

The rhesus macaques are very nice to come and cuddle with the newborn babies of other mothers in a colorful, melodious voice, like people often babble babies.

The new finding shows that babbling can be an evolutionary trait in certain primates, and that this gentle tone can play an important role in promoting positive relationships between parents and children. what, as well as between the grown up with the younger generation.

The type of " babbling " in golden monkeys is a sound emanating from the nose, soft. It is motivated by the fact that "all female monkeys like children", co-author Dario Maestripieri said.

Dario and colleagues recorded these sweet sounds of golden monkeys along with their accompanying behavior on Cayo Santiago Island, near the southeastern coast of Puerto Rico. While confirming that both females and males are capable of producing this sound, the team found that males rarely use them.

In contrast, female monkeys almost always make a sweet sound when interacting with another friend's child, such as when a baby monkey stirs away from his mother.

Picture 1 of My mother also 'snapped' me
Gold rhesus macaques monkey (Photo:

T. An