Mysterious collective deaths

Massive birds fall in the US and the Netherlands make the list of animal deaths in the world become longer.

The strange collective animal dead cases in the world

1. Dead birds in Arkansas

The mysterious death of thousands of birds in Arkansas, Louisiana in the United States and a Dutch city became the subject of international media attention. Until now scientists have not found the exact cause of their loss.

The most reasonable hypothesis is the explosion of fireworks on the last night in 2010, causing panic, disorientation of the birds in the state of Arkansas and rushing into buildings, trees and other static objects. However, the collective deaths of birds in the Netherlands and the state of Louisiana occurred after the first day of the new year, when fireworks were not fired.

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A veterinarian checked the corpses of birds that fell in the state of Arkansas, USA on January 3.(Photo: AP).

This is not the first time there have been collective deaths of animals. Livescience listed some notable " disasters ".

2. Suicide geese

In August 2005, people discovered two geese that died in Manota, Canada . More than 200 geese are scattered on a field after a moonless night. What surprised people was that there was no wound outside the goose body.

Officials suspected that someone or something had poisoned two geese, but toxic tests showed negative results. Animal protection officials are completely confused. But later a study showed that geese lost their ability to navigate in the dark night and could not see the horizon. So they plunged straight to the ground. Many aircraft accidents have also occurred because pilots cannot identify the horizon.

3. Toad explodes

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In 2005 the people of Germany witnessed one of the most bizarre mass collective deaths of animals. More than 1,000 toads suddenly exploded for some reason causing their organs to spread everywhere in the Altona district, Hamburg city.

The Independent of the British newspaper said the area with many toads was called ' death pond ' and officials warned children and dogs to stay away from that area. Many assumptions are made, such as toad suicide or blown up by the entry of a virus originating from South American race horses. A zoologist pecks at the carcasses and discovers that they are attacked by birds and eat liver. Toad's natural defense system orders the body to swell to defend itself. Because the liver is no longer there, the body explodes during swelling.

4. Horses and screams die massively

23 horses and mules were mysteriously murdered in El Paso County, Colorado , USA in October 2005 in two separate incidents, each separated by three weeks. Most of them have holes in their necks and other parts of the body like being pierced by bullets. So many people think someone shoots them. But the police investigation results show that the wounds are too shallow (about 2.5 cm) so they cannot kill animals. But in addition to the punctures, no obvious wounds or marks were found. Some people surmise they are poisoned. Eventually the investigators concluded that they died from lightning.

5. Bees die mysteriously

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A series of honey bee deaths began in the United States in 2006. A lot of bees died of unknown causes and scientists call this 'herd phenomenon'. According to the Department of Agriculture, the proportion of dead bees in the US in 2009 was 29% and increased to 34% in 2010. Although many explanations have been given such as bees with fungi, pesticides, climate change. But no one knows exactly why they died. However, not only honey bees, but a recent study by the University of Illinois have shown that four popular bees also decreased by more than 90% in the past 20 years.

6. Dead bats with white nose symptoms

A mysterious fungus has killed many bats throughout the United States since the first cases were announced in New York in 2006. More than 1 million bats have died in 14 US states and 2 provinces in Canada with symptoms of white nose. Animal protection committees across the country have demanded the closure of hundreds of abandoned caves and mines until the disease is identified and treated.

7. Dead birds in Chile

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In just two months of 2009, millions of sardines, thousands of flamingos, hundreds of penguins and nearly 60 pelicans died in separate cases.

The first is the penguin , when about 1,200 birds were found dead at the end of March in southern Chile. Next, in April, millions of sardines drifted to the southern coast. Then thousands of flamingos abandoned their nest in northern Chile, killing 2,000 young birds. Finally, there are nearly 60 dead pelicans on the central coast of South America.

No one can explain the exact cause of the dead animals. Some people make assumptions like climate change, overfishing, pollution or illness but most people think that the hot and dry summer of 2009 in Chile is the cause.

8. Dolphins stuck in Australia

At the end of 2008, 60 pepper whales died along the coast on Tasmania Island, Australia. About a week later, 150 long fin navigator whales also died in the area. Then in early January 2009, 45 whales died from being trapped on the Tasmanian coast. And finally, 194 pepper whales and a series of dolphins were stuck in the same area in March 2009. When officials arrived at the scene, 140 children died and they tried to save 54 children. Scientists cannot explain why many such incidents occur on Tasmania.

9. Hippo died in Uganda

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In 2004, about 300 hippos in Queen Elizabeth National Park in Uganda died after drinking the water contaminated with anthrax. Experts say this could also be the cause of another mass die-off in June 2010 when 82 hippopotamus and 9 buffaloes died after drinking Kazinga canal water, connecting Lake Edward and Lake. George in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

10. Sea turtles die in El Salvador

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Hundreds of dead sea turtles of several endangered sea turtles have washed ashore on El Salvador coast in January 12006. Initially scientists did not explain the cause of their deaths. Then the Wildlife Conservation Association said it died of toxic red and toxic algae blooms, which had previously killed sea turtles.