According to information on Mongabay.com, scientists from the Hungarian Museum of Natural History (HNHM) and the International Flora and Fauna Organization (FFI) have announced the

According to scientists, indiscriminate exploitation, deforestation and overexploitation in limestone areas - the habitat of familiar bats - are the main factors that threaten and

A new study has revealed a strange mutual relationship between bats and a carnivorous plant on Borneo island in Southeast Asia.

National Geographic magazine has just published a list of the 10 most newly discovered animals in 2010, including the asexual breeding lizard Leiolepis ngovantrii in Vietnam.

Biologist Tom Kanzi has discovered many bats that have died due to white nose fungal infection, a disease originating from Europe.

Australian scientists think that not only do people have different voices but bat species also develop different forms of language ...

Australian scientists say that not only do people have different voices but bat species also develop linguistic morphology depending on their whereabouts. This helps us identify

After the information said, in Peru, biting of bats causes 4 people to die from rabies. Many readers worry: Does Vietnam have vampire bats?

Spanish scientists have just released new findings about the bats' bizarre resistance to rabies virus.

The eyes of night bats have two types of cones to observe daylight and distinguish colors.