Mysterious truth to the incredible world of witches

Since ancient times, many people believe that witches are real and their existence will always harm people's lives. But besides, there are quite a lot of interesting stories related to the ancient witch world. Let's review some facts about witches that many of us probably don't know through the article below.

1. Most witches are not burned on columns

When talking about the execution of witches, many of us will immediately think of the image of a criminal who is bound on a pyre and surrounded by a crowd of whispers and an angry look.

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The truth is that witches are often executed by hanging, not burned alive.

But the truth is, those accused of witchcraft are not executed by the burning method but they are often hanged. During a witch trial in 1692, no one was sentenced to "death fire" but most of them were sentenced to hang.

Another method used to punish witches in this trial is to "force" them to die with large rocks. The victim of that execution is Giles Corey. Although he protested the crime of using magic, the court forced him to plead guilty.

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The process of "confessing guilt" is done quite methodically.They put on him a big wooden board and then put the stone up.

The process of "confessing guilt" is done quite methodically. They put on him a big wooden board and then put the stone up. The number of stones will increase gradually if he is stubborn and refuses to plead guilty. And he died after trying to hold back and suffer for 2 days.

2. Not all witches are bad people

We often assume that the popular image of a witch is: an ugly old woman with warts on her face, riding a broom and wearing a black cloak and a pointy hat.

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Common images of witches.

However, everyone who is familiar with "The Witch of Oz" knows, besides the "bad" witch, there are also "good" witches. Historically, good witches (or white sorcerers) have been kind-hearted, always going to save and treat people, not as trouble-making witches.

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Good witches (or white sorcerers) are people with kindness, always going to save people for treatment.

But in the Narnia chronicles, writer CS Lewis reversed this view when he shaped a white witch but had an icy and cruel heart.

3. Witches are not necessarily female

Stemming from the importance of male disdain, many people believe that women are more sensitive to dark art and the temptation of demons are more likely to become witches. In the series of rules written by King Wessex Alfred the Great in 893 there is a rule that witches are a category exclusively for women.

However, the truth is, not only women, men also perform many spells and they are called by other names such as magicians or wizards.

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Men also perform many spells and they are called by other names such as the sorcerer or the wizard.

Countless women and men have been indiscriminately persecuted as allegedly witches throughout history. In witch trial trials in Germany that lasted from 1581 - 1593, a total of 368 people were executed and led the number of victims who were men.

They consist of many components like priests, judges, councilors . "These witches" are condemned and cremated with very random reasons such as wandering alone in night, or simply just go while humming some song.

4. There is no evidence but the conclusion is witch

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Most of the evidence given to accuse the person of "witch" is just ghosts.

In witchcraft trials in Salem, most of the evidence presented to accuse that person of "witch" is just ghosts. Witnesses recalled that they found the soul of the accused appearing in his dream but the defendant's body was in another place. At that time, the "human" part of that witch was doing evil.

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Signs of witchcraft are only minor lesions on the skin or birth defects.

Through that statement, the trial will identify, it is the devil and his henchmen who have taken the path of the soul, controlling him to go astray. Not only that, some other evidence is also used to accuse them, which are "witch marks" on their bodies. However, according to modern research, it has been shown that signs are referred to as minor wounds on the skin or birth defects.

5. Witches not only wear pointed hats

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Stereotypical images commonly known about witchcraft are black, pointed and wide-brimmed hats.

The stereotypical image commonly known about witches is an ugly old woman wearing a black, tall, pointed, wide-brimmed hat. But in fact, there have been hypotheses, evidence indicating, witches not only wear such sharp hats.

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Witch images show up in costumes that match that era, including different headscarves and hats.

One of the proofs is that in medieval wood carvings, the witch image appears in costumes that match that era, including different headscarves and hats. Many witches left their heads bare, with curls in the wind.