Best news aggregation for the week of October 5

Learn about Halloween festivals, kraken monsters, killer stones, unbelievable facts in the world . are the most viewed news in the past week.

The most viewed news of the week

Picture 1 of Best news aggregation for the week of October 5
Halloween is an annual festival that takes place at the end of October and early November, but is it a festival to commemorate what? Why do people have to disguise and dress so disgusting? See more here .

Picture 2 of Best news aggregation for the week of October 5
Let's find out why the volume of fuel tank is published is 50 liters but you can pour more than 10 liters of gasoline. See more here .

Picture 3 of Best news aggregation for the week of October 5
Is the chicken before an egg or egg born before a chicken? For centuries, this question remains a mystery to philosophers as well as scientists around the world. See more here .

Picture 4 of Best news aggregation for the week of October 5
A recent study by British and American scientists showed that Adam - the first man on Earth existed about 209,000 years ago, 9,000 years earlier than today's estimate. See more here .

Picture 5 of Best news aggregation for the week of October 5
The most incredible facts in the world happen in people's daily lives, causing many people to be surprised to know. See more here .

Picture 6 of Best news aggregation for the week of October 5
When finding aliens, scientists will have to follow certain processes. See more here .

Picture 7 of Best news aggregation for the week of October 5
In the super product The battle between the gods and the scene of Zeus shouting: 'Drop the Kraken!'. Does the Kraken monster exist? See more here .

Picture 8 of Best news aggregation for the week of October 5
The following mysterious, "threatening" stories will make you realize that movies are never scary in real life. See more here .

Picture 9 of Best news aggregation for the week of October 5
Sex is associated with human existence, it is a biological method that helps humanity to breed and evolve. See more here .

Picture 10 of Best news aggregation for the week of October 5
Hutchinsonite.Tali is the black copper version. This type of metal is thick, slippery, equivalent to the weight of an atom, but more dangerous than an atom. See more here .