NASA develops new space attire

At the Johnson Space Center Laboratory of the US National Aeronautics Agency (NASA), a group of engineers is working hard to assemble new space suits.

Picture 1 of NASA develops new space attire

Model of space clothing is being developed at Johnson center.Photo: Reuters

For decades, astronaut costumes have been greatly improved from Mercury's aluminum shirt to the 124-kilogram white outfit currently used to walk out into space. Not knowing how new clothes are designed, but NASA hopes to design high-tech suits at low cost.

Current US space apparel is easy to move and durable but complex and expensive. Meanwhile, Russia's 'one size for all' shirt can be used several times, but difficult to move. Therefore, the top priority in NASA's new costume design is to be more compact.

Engineers hope to reduce nearly half of the nearly 90 kilograms of clothing that has life support devices that Apollo astronauts used to carry. NASA intends to use new composite materials and take advantage of smaller electronic devices to reduce weight and move more easily.

New space attire must have some characteristics such as extreme heat and cold tolerance as well as preventing radioactivity and operation with less energy consumption because the outfit's oxygen-rich air can escape quickly. out and cause fire. NASA intends to launch its first outfit in 2010 and launches massively in 2012, near the time Orion ships into space.

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